Msgr Ravasi has also invited to a new dialogue between science and faith, going over misunderstandings on Evolutionism. He has quoted Msgr. Fiorenzo Facchini (Bologna University), saying that "there is a real choice not between evolution and creation, but between vision of an evolving world, depending on a creator God (according to His project), and the vision of an all-sufficient world, capable of creating itself, for purely immanent events" Msgr Sgreccia has presented a "reflection on ontogeny", in connection with Fides et Ratio Encyclical, researches of Pontifical Academy for Life, theological aspects, the necessity of an interdisciplinary method for this reflection, that involves "various fields of knowledge".
At STOQ '07 Conference, have been participated relators representing various lay organizations and religious institutions, from almost any continent of the world, presenting their reflections, and their practical involvement with ontogenesys, connecting with their research or field activities.
SRM has published a Special Newsletter on the Press Conference, held last 6th november at the Holy See Press Room, and is going to publish a page and a new Special Issue of Newsletter, with Press Review, on the event.
Links abstracts (italian and english version)